30 Seconds for Feb. 18

Staff Writer
The Times-Reporter

This is about the people who ran over those poor birds in the parking lot at Big Lots. I will never be able to understand how anyone could get pleasure out of taking the life of innocent animals that have no desire to harm us in any way. I will never understand how anyone could get pleasure out of that.

As I walk through Bolivar on this cold morning, nobody shoveled their walks. You can’t even get through half of them. Everybody is just lazy or afraid somebody is going to sue somebody. I don’t get it.

I loved the “What if you were president” segment on the front page of The T-R on Monday, especially Tyler Fox’s comments of how he would handle today’s world. I think Obama should be impeached, and Tyler Fox, a second grader, should be president. He sounds much smarter. Way to go, Tyler.

If the federal government would quit having all of these holidays, with hundreds of thousands of people not working and getting paid, they could save a billion dollars a year. It could help save the U.S. Postal Service. That’s one reason it’s going out of business. One reason the country is in such bad shape is simply because of bad government. The government is grabbing everything they can grab. I don’t see the workers getting anything off — your factory workers, or anything like that. Just federal, state and city workers benefit by this holiday. They should let everyone benefit, or no one. Someone needs to stand up and have the guts to speak out.

This is concerning people who want to have the motel down in Parral torn down. Sometimes a single person can’t afford an expensive place to live, and these are just the kind of places they can afford. I see no reason from the road to tear it down. It looks fairly decent.

The people of Parral had better take a good look at the trashy old buildings along Wooster Avenue. There is more than the old motel. What a shame they can’t see.

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