Steve Martin's novel a winner

Julie Brown

I was interested when I saw Steve Martin's The Pleasure of My Company on the library shelf. Having just read a "weightier" nonfiction tome, I thought this fiction title would be just perfect.

The story of Daniel Pecan Cambridge, whose obsessive-compulsive disorder limits his trips outside of his Santa Monica apartment, got me interested right away. The book is short but engaged my interest right away with Daniel's first person observations of the people and neighborhood around him.

He's visited regularly by Clarissa, a psychology student who's helping him with his disorder, as well as neighbor Philipa. Daniel has difficulty with curbs and must cross only at certain driveways, so the Rite Aid is where he gets supplies – and observes Zandy, the pharmacist.

Martin's writing style is deceptively simple, and it impressed me. He packs a lot into a short book that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Summer reading for adults is kicking off at area libraries, along with programs for kids and teens. I'll be eager to get going on that, as lazy summer days beckon with their great selection of books, both fiction and nonfiction.

Why not check with your local library, to see what's being offered for eager readers of all ages this summer? Websites of libraries often hold information on summer reading options, and there's nothing like a visit to your local library to see all the offerings there.
