
Moving on up to Midtown

//February 25, 2015//

Moving on up to Midtown

//February 25, 2015//

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I’ll admit that since the Business Journal staff took on more stock market reporting over the last year, I have been watching ticker symbols a little closer each day.

There’s nothing wrong with a little extra savings for a rainy day or a few more bucks for the kids’ college fund.

At least that was my thinking when I started watching CNBC and bookmarking financial websites.

Shout out to Seeking Alpha, CNNMoney, TheStreet, MarketWatch and others. You make my days a little more balanced.

But now that I see all this development occurring in Midtown Harrisburg — the Susquehanna Art Museum, The Millworks and Zeroday Brewing Co., to name a few — I’m starting to think I should have been saving to buy real estate.

The Millworks is opening next month with a promise of 100 jobs, including the artists renting studio spaces and employees working at the farm-to-table restaurant.

Arts and cultural attractions are only going to drive more people to want to live in the city.

For more on this, check out Friday’s print edition.

A couple of rental units would have been a nice little bonus each month.

Maybe it’s still possible.

Hold on, I’m logging in to buy a few more dividend-producing shares.

Then maybe I’ll have enough for a down payment by next year. The stock market was looking pretty good on Tuesday.

To my friends in city real estate development, leave me a piece of the action. Don’t buy it all up.

Or do, so we can all enjoy more restaurants, brewpubs and retail establishments in Harrisburg.