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I started reading about the drug war 17 years ago, and I quickly realized that literally every single in-depth study by credible authors (professors, journalists, police, judges) concluded that the Drug War was a failure. What's more, most advocated for the complete legalization or decriminalization of all or some drugs. This kind of uniformity of conclusions is rare, and it's coming from a variety of perspectives, which almost never happens.

I hope to sell you on the notion that we need to use history as a guide for future drug policy. Imagine if we had known 20 years ago, just before the opiate epidemic hit our region, that treatment was far cheaper and effective at reducing addiction than incarceration. Pills and heroin could have been much less damaging to our area if local leaders had an understanding of history. Countless places (Vancouver, Oregon, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal, etc.) have been hit with drug problems since the 1970s, and they all eventually responded with treatment, and succeeded. Huntington is moving in the right direction, but my hope is that we see this year's reforms (needle exchange, diversion programs, etc.) as just the tip of the iceberg.


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