This story is over 5 years old.


Your LinkedIn Profile Is Only Worth About $1, According to LinkedIn

LinkedIn has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit after passwords were hacked. The settlement works out to about $1 per claimant.

​Your LinkedIn profile is so useless, even LinkedIn doesn't think it's worth more than a buck.

LinkedIn was hacked back in June 2012 and about 6.5 m​illion passwords were leaked. While it wasn't exactly catastrophic, 800,000 litigation-happy, super-serious LinkedIn users who had paid for premium service on the site filed a class action ​lawsuit, arguing that LinkedIn had misled them to believe it had better security in place.

This week, LinkedIn agreed to se​ttle with these users to the tune of $1.25 million. But according to the New York Ti​mes, after legal fees that only works out to about $1 per person, assuming everybody who was all fired up about this back in 2012 follows through and makes their claim. Of course, if not everyone files a claim for their hard-earned dollar, the ones that do will end up with a bigger payout.

Still, it seems just as very few people put a lot of value in their LinkedIn profile, which serves as little more than a virtual CV, LinkedIn doesn't put a whole lot of value in its users' profiles either. Considering the company made $2 billio​n last year, $1.25 million divided among 800,000 of its paying customers is chump change. Literally.