Goldman Sachs Tweets Company Photo With Fake Mustache

Goldman Sachs Tweets Company Photo With Fake Mustache

Goldman Sachs, the New York-based investment bank with a market capitalization of $90 billion, tweeted an old company photo showing an employee with a mustache that just doesn't seem quite natural on Thursday.

The photo shows employees at the bank's first summer outing in 1938. It looks about like you'd expect a photo from the late 1930s to look. All except that one man in a dark suit in the lower right corner with an illustrated or prosthetic mustache.

goldman outing

Asked about the authenticity of the mustache, a Goldman spokesman replied, "Sorry. No idea. I wasn’t around then."

goldman outing


goldman outing


goldman outing


goldman outing

Who faked the mustache and when did they do it?

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