
Triple play How execs can create a culture of health inside their organizations

NJBIZ STAFF//April 19, 2015//

Triple play How execs can create a culture of health inside their organizations

NJBIZ STAFF//April 19, 2015//

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Triple Play is a weekly NJBIZ feature that asks top executives in New Jersey to talk about three things related to their industry.

Scott Evelyn is the president and general manager for Cigna’s tri-state market.

We asked Scott for three ways executives can create a culture of health inside their organizations.

Set the tone for improved health: Most companies establish core values, such as customer service, innovation or collaboration, but executives should also think about the health and wellness of their employees as a core value.

Practice what you preach: Executives can make a public commitment to their personal health, participate in wellness activities on and offsite and host a launch event (or even shoot a video) to celebrate a new wellness program.


Provide a customized plan: Listen to what employees care about when it comes to health and take the time to find the right partner. Programs need to be customized to meet a company’s specific employee needs.