Need for diapers in our community is real

Sarah Riley
Dollars for Diapers

When you donate to our Dollars for Diapers campaign, you get a lot of bang for your buck.

That's because our generous partners have agreed to match up to $35,000 in your donations. That means $2 go to the Fox Cities Diaper Bank for every $1 you give. We have collected $2,265 so far and have a long way to go to hit our $60,000 goal before Father's Day, June 21.

Families in the Fox Cities struggle to afford diapers in a quantity that keeps their babies healthy and dry, and that's where the Fox Cities Diaper Bank comes in. The Diaper Bank collects and distributes disposable diapers to local low-income families because safety net programs like WIC and food stamps don't cover diapers.

Huggies' Every Little Bottom Study, commissioned by Kimberly-Clark Corp., showed that one in three families struggle to provide diapers for their babies. The need in our community is real.

Your donations will be matched by the J. J. Keller Foundation, United Way Fox Cities, Thrivent Financial, Kimberly-Clark and U.S. Venture, who will each match up to $5,000. Together, Fox Communities, Prospera, Evergreen, Badger Globe, Thrivent Financial, Unison and St. Elizabeth Employees credit unions will match up to $10,000.

Donations to Dollars for Diapers, presented by Kimberly-Clark Cares and Huggies, can be made at cffoxvalley.org or by following the information on our Dollars for Diapers ads. Checks to The Post-Crescent Community Fund be made and mailed to The Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, 4455 W. Lawrence St., Appleton, WI 54914.

If you prefer to donate packages of diapers — open packs are OK — and supplies, we're collecting those as well. You can drop them off in our lobby at 306 W. Washington St. in Appleton. Other collection sites include Badger Globe, Evergreen, Fox Communities, Prospera and St. Elizabeth Employees credit unions.