Swine Show competition spotlights youth

Julia Baratta For GateHouse Media
Siblings Matt and Lydia AcMoody competed against each other in senior showmanship. Matt was named the swine representative for the large animal sweepstakes competition. Julia Baratta Photo

BRANCH COUNTY — The pigs were in the spotlight on both Tuesday evening and Wednesday as the Branch County Fair commenced with the 4-H swine competition.

The showmanship portion of the show was held in the evening and included 10 classes for the showmen. Each member was able to show in their age division, with the oldest members beginning the contests.

Matt AcMoody won the 18-and-older category with Kollin Johnson taking home the honors for the 17-year-old group. Cailyn Hines was awarded the 16-year-old class and Lydia AcMoody wrapped up the senior showmanship categories by winning the 15-year-old group.

The show continued with the younger 4-H members competing, starting with the 9-year-olds and progressing up to the 14-year-olds. The winners are as follows: Jacob Reif, 9; Breanna Reif, 10; Blaine Pish, 11; Cameron Dibert, 12; Brendan Sturchell, 13; and Payton Hines, 14.

The showmanship classes were completed with the crowning of the Senior Showman for the Large Animal Sweepstakes competition at 7 p.m. today. The “Show-Off” included 15- to 19-year-old showmanship winners.

Judge Cash Brincefield from Colorado put each exhibitor to the test as he asked them questions, watched their showing techniques and requested each one share advice for younger 4-H members on the microphone.

Each had interesting suggestions for the younger members.

“None of the advice is wrong, from making friends to working with your hogs,” he said. “It all comes down to you and your pig in the end.”

Matt AcMoody was selected as the swine representative for the contest today, with Cailyn Hines as the alternate.

All the young people involved have defied the incorrect societal perception of the pig by showing animals that were clean, docile and outstanding examples of the species. The 4-Hers were required to learn basic care, health matters and how to properly show their animals.

Wednesday was the Market Swine Show, with three divisions and reserve winners being announced, along with the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion titles being given.

The Grand Champion was Jacob Reif, with Cailyn Hines receiving the Reserve Grand Champion award. The division winners were Cameron Dibert winning the Division 1 category, with Matt AcMoody taking Reserve Champion. Division 2 Reserve Champion winner was Lydia AcMoody and Division 3 Reserve Champion was Breanna Reif.

The youth and their animals will again take the spotlight today, during the Large Animal Auction.