Korean TV drama “Hyde, Jekyll and Me” will air on Youku Tudou‘s video streaming platform as the first foreign content approved under new rules from China’s media regulator.

The SBS show will be available in its entirety beginning July 16 for paying subscribers, and at the rate of one episode per day from July 13 to free of charge users.

Under recently introduced rules the State Administration of Press Publication Radio Film & Television has put new limits on the number of imported shows that can be aired on China’s video platforms. It also requires every episode of a series to pass censorship before it can go to air. That limits the ability of the platforms to release episodes on a day and date basis in parallel with their overseas broadcast.

Youku Tudou, which boasts 185 million unique users per month, claims to be the top mobile app as measured by user time and said that users each spent on average 648 minutes in May 2015.