Extenua Discusses Recent Deal with ImageWare

SecuritySolutionsWatch.com recently interviewed Mr. Steve Visconti, President and CEO of Extenua about it's company, and the recent deal with ImageWare.

In The Boardroom With…

SecuritySolutionsWatch.com: We read with great interest your recent announcement regarding a strategic partnership with Imageware Systems (OTCQB: IWSY) a leader in mobile and cloud-based, multi-modal biometric identity management solutions. Please tell us more about this partnership…what's the history? Any particular achievements in working with Imageware thus far that you would like to talk about?

Steve Visconti: Applying superior encryption techniques along with multi-modal biometric identity management features provides the most secure, unified enterprise platform without precedent. No matter the cloud service provider and scheme deployed-public, private, and hybrid-the security, flexibility and cost savings of cloud storage more fully leverage enterprise data assets. Partnering with ImageWare allows Extenua to make advanced biometric authentication for cloud storage a reality. Combined, Cloud2Drive with ImageWare GoVerifyID® revolutionizes secure cloud storage providing unmatched enhanced levels of security the enterprise is looking for. We can now deliver a robust and secure product incorporating ImageWare GoVerifyID®'s out-of-band biometric authentication with advanced fraud-prevention capabilities to organizations. In this current world of security breaches and significantly elevated hacker threats, this platform is purpose built to provide the much needed enterprise-grade security layers required for responsible and proactive governance and data protection.

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