Oil and Gas Report

The Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission last week issued 7 drilling permits, 2 well completions and 2 well recompletions. By county, they were:


CLEBURNE — SEECO Inc. of Houston for Webb No. 09-09 10-9H to TVD: 5,300 ft. and MD: 8,500 ft. in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 1,313 ft. FNL & 1,839 ft. FEL and PBHL: 490 ft. FSL & 1,708 ft. FEL of Sec. 9-9N-9W. Contractor: DDI 31; work begins March 8, 2016.

SEECO Inc. for Webb No. 09-09 11-9H4 to TVD: 5,300 ft. and MD: 14,600 ft. in Moorefield Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 419 ft. FSL & 1,083 ft. FWL of Sec. 9-9N-9W and PBHL: 1,725 ft. FNL & 1,700 ft. FWL of Sec. 4-9N-9W. Contractor: DDI 31; work began June 17.

SEECO Inc. for Webb No. 09-09 7-9H4 to TVD: 5,100 ft. and MD: 10,800 ft. in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 1,253 ft. FNL & 1,839 ft. FEL of Sec. 9-9N-9W and PBHL: 710 ft. FNL & 1,600 ft. FEL of Sec. 4-9N-9W. Contractor: DDI 31; work begins Feb. 22, 2016.

SEECO Inc. for Webb No. 09-09 8-9H4 to TVD: 5,100 ft. and MD: 10,500 ft. in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 1,273 ft. FNL & 1,839 ft. FEL of Sec. 9-9N-9W and PBHL: 1,070 ft. FNL & 2,214 ft. FEL of Sec. 4-9N-9W. Contractor: DDI 31; work begins Feb. 27, 2016.

SEECO Inc. for Webb No. 09-09 9-9H to TVD: 5,100 ft. and MD: 8,300 ft. in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 1,293 ft. FNL & 1,839 ft. FEL and PBHL: 490 ft. FSL & 2,323 ft. FEL of Sec. 9-9N-9W. Contractor: Pense 28; work begins March 3, 2016.

WHITE — SEECO Inc. for Stone No. 09-08 5-12H24 to TVD: 4,900 ft. and MD: 12,900 ft. in Moorefield Form.of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 318 ft. FSL & 2,453 ft. FEL of Sec. 12-9N-8W and PBHL: 2,250 ft. FNL & 2,550 ft. FEL of Sec. 24-9N-8W. Contractor: DDI 31; work began June 30.

SEECO Inc. for Stone No. 09-08 6-12H24 to TVD: 4,900 ft. and MD: 12,900 ft. in Moorefield Form. of B-43 Fld. Loc. SHL: 318 ft. FSL & 2,433 ft. FEL of Sec. 12-9N-8W and PBHL: 2,250 ft. FNL & 1,650 ft. FEL of Sec. 24-9N-8W. Contractor: DDI 31; work began July 3.


COLUMBIA — Bonanza Creek Energy Resources LLC of Denver, Colo. for Kirkpatrick No. 12, 24-hr. prod. 60.4 mcf in Cotton Valley Form. of Dorcheat Macedonia Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,800 ft., perf. 8,368-8,612 OA ft. Loc. 2,202 ft. FSL & 2,175 ft. FWL and 2,331 ft. FSL & 2,319 ft. FWL of Sec. 13-18S-22W. Completed July 2.

VAN BUREN — XTO Energy Inc. of Oklahoma City for Dale No. 2-19H20, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 9,900 ft. and PBTD: 9,805 ft., perf. 2,365-9,792 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 1,570 ft. FSL & 306 ft. FWL and BHL: 366 ft. FSL & 2,249 ft. FEL of Sec. 19-11N-13W. Completed June 26.


COLUMBIA — Bonanza Creek Energy Resources LLC for Dorhceat Unit No. 83, 24-hr. prod. 35.3 bbls in Cotton Valley Form. of Dorcheat Macedonia Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,800 ft., perf. 6,716-8,666 OA ft. of Sec. 15-18S-22W. Workover done June 29.

Bonanza Creek Energy Resources LLC for J I B Phelps No. 4, 24-hr. prod. 10.9 mcf in Haynesville Form. of Chalybeat Springs Fld. Drilled to TD: 9,740 ft., perf. 9,628-9,672 OA ft. of Sec. 33-19S-19W. Workover done June 26.


Loc. — location; Perf. — perforations; FEL — from the east line; FNL — from the north line; FSL — from the south line; FWL — from the west line; FEUL — from the east unit line; FWUL — from the west unit line; FNUL — from the north unit line; FSUL — from the south unit line; MCF — thousand cubic feet; bbl — barrel; MD — measured depth; TD — total depth; TVD — true vertical depth; PBTD — plug back total depth; BHL — bottom hole location; PBHL — proposed bottom hole location; SHL — surface hole location; OA — overall; N/A — not available.

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