Gamer, Husband, Father, Friend

Hi, I'm Kynan. I love all things Tabletop. I'm happily married and have 2 wonderful children. I have been playing games as far back as i can remember, from staying up untill middnight at cousins playing monopoly to my earliest memories of hard to find now board games, to delving into epic adventures such as HeroQuest and Talisman. In my 20s I became addicted to MTG, but upon the birth of my kids, funds became limited in this space. Now I have progressed to "Designer" board games, and play with friends and family.
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Games for the Week and a day for all the Mums

Kynan Stuttard
Narre Warren South
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Microbadge: I play with green!Microbadge: Gamer FamilyMicrobadge: Castles of Burgundy fanMicrobadge: Roll for the Galaxy fanMicrobadge: Terraforming Mars fan

It was time for a game of Istanbul as its been quite a while since our last game.
From gallery of Tournqiuet

With the board laid out the way it was, I focused on Coffee, and Netty was able to make good use of the markets and she kept a step away from gems on wagon and mosques so when close to finishing, was an easy job for her. This paid off and I didn’t notice until too late. In the end, Netty won by 1 gem, and I was at least 2 turns away.


We just wanted a quick game, so we went with Mystic Vale as we have had 30 minute games of it before. It went a little longer than that this time, but this was due to not many cards appearing that give you crystals.
Board Game: Mystic Vale

Netty jumped on them when they did come out, and in the end, she won with much more crystal gathering and Vale card purchases. Still definitely good tho. We find it a good game to talk over. She beat me by a good 25 points.


Craig came over to play a game or two, and the decision this time, was to play some games we haven’t played for a while. I chose Roll for the Galaxy first.
From gallery of Tournqiuet

Craig had an awesome start with Alien dice and bonus to Exploring/Stocking with Alien Dice. This gave him an economy that I couldn’t catch up with. I started looking to get some of the Ambition bonuses, but never got the right tiles, and changed to a Blue production/consume strategy, but was too late with it. 63 - 31.
Craig then chose Seasons. This game has so much to offer with dice, cards, drafting and resource management all in one.
From gallery of Tournqiuet

I had a great synergy of cards that gain crystals when coming into play, 2 x Karn the destroyer and Gain an Energy Token each round to keep Craig's crystals at 0. I was 70 crystals ahead at start of scoring with the final score 163 - 100 in my favor.


Castles of Burgundy Netty was playing the basic board and I was board 9 (both of which were randomly selected).
Board Game: The Castles of Burgundy

We always love getting back to this game every time we do. I had the monopoly on early mines, and she was the 1st with castles. I took a boat/knowledge strategy but it wasn’t enough to catch her animals and castles. Lower score than we usually get for a 2 player game, but still enjoyable. Netty won 175 to 167 even though I had more bonuses, she was too far ahead in the end.


We were at Ben and Ang's house for games Friday. Started with some Fuse for warm up before some pizza for dinner. Then we moved into something a bit bigger. The bigger was Terra Mystica.
From gallery of Tournqiuet

Netty had expressed interest in learning how to play, and as there was 5 of us, the player count was suitable. This is only our 2nd ever game, so we were going to need to learn the game again. After receiving our random race cards, we had a quick run through of the rules, and away we went. Everyone seemed to enjoy the game, and we noted that it may take a few plays to really understand the strategy of the game, however the play is quite simple and fun. I focused on the temple tracks, getting 3 of them at end scoring, while the others focused on during game scoring and size bonuses, however in the end, Ben won by making the best use of his race and we were unable to catch him.


Netty was working Saturday night, but we were in the mood for some crazy dice chucking. We play a game of fuse, and failed, then a game of Escape the Curse of the Temple.
Board Game: FUSE
Board Game: Escape: The Curse of the Temple

We really got into this one, and had 2 goes, failing the 1st and then working much better the second time to succeed. That afternoon as Netty was heading to work, Ben decided to come over during the day while Ang was at a girls do near my place, so we played a game of Terraforming Mars with the 2 of us and my son.
From gallery of Tournqiuet

Ben took Credicorp again wanting to see if he could make better use of it from last time he used them, I was Inventrix, and Kayden was Ecoline. I think both Ben and Kayden used their corporations really well, while I didn't seem to draw the cards to make the best use of mine. Ben and Kayden fought it out and Ben ended up winning by 2 points. Their score was also supplemented by the awards, beating me to 2 of them, and Kayden getting the other. Good close game, but credit to both of them for their play.

Sunday (Mothers Day)

It was mother's day today, and I helped the kids make this wonderful breakfast for Netty.
From gallery of Tournqiuet

We decided to let her choose the games we were playing. Her 1st choice was the new Love Letter Premium that we bought her for mother's day.
From gallery of Tournqiuet

This really is a lovely version of the game, and we can't wait to try the game with more than 4 players. Fittingly Netty won the first game of the day.
We moved onto Alhambra next. Nice light game, but still enough game there to keep us interested.
Board Game: Alhambra

Early on, Netty and Kayden seemed to have the share on points. I was staying in touch only through the use of my Fences. After the 2nd scoring round, we were all within 5 points of each other, however in the end, Kayden won by 12 points, with Me, Netty and BJ following.
I think my wife had a good mother's day (knowing she had to work at night).

trade3Hope you all had a good week, and remember, Play hard and be good to your mother.indigo4
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