
18 Apr 2024

Letterkenny loses its 'tidy crown' to Skerries

Skerries is Tidiest Town in Ireland for 2016

Letterkenny loses its 'tidy crown' to Dublin town of Skerries

Flashback to last year when Letterkenny won the award for 2015. The 2016 award has been won by Skerries.

Hopes that Letterkenny might retain its title as Ireland’s tidiest town for a second year in a row have been dashed with news that Skerries in County Dublin has won the title for 2016.

Having won the accolade last year, there has been a huge effort within the Cathedral town to ensure the title was retained but it wasn't to be with Skerries taking that honour.

Skerries was named best of the 859 towns and villages throughout the country that entered this year’s SuperValu National TidyTowns competition.  The announcement was greeted by great celebration at today’s awards ceremony at The Helix in Dublin.

On hand to present the prizes was Mr. Michael Ring, T.D., Minister for Regional Economic Development and Mr. Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu, the competition’s sponsor for the 25th year.  The Helix was packed with representatives of TidyTowns groups, from all over the country, eagerly anticipating the announcement of the winners.

Other national winners

Birdhill, Co. Tipperary, claimed the award of Ireland’s Tidiest Village. Other winners included Listowel, Co Kerry, receiving the award for Ireland’s Tidiest Small Town for the second year. Skerries also received the award of Ireland’s Tidiest Large Town, while Ennis Co Clare was declared as Ireland's Tidiest Large Urban Centre.

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