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The New "Netflix And Chill" App Is Like Tinder Without All The Bullsh!t

This idea is a literal game changer.

Netflix and Chill is quickly becoming part of our every day lingo. In case you don't know. "Netflix and Chill" is just a better way of saying: "Come over to my place so we can have sex."

Let's face it,  most people on Tinder aren't looking for a serious relationship, they just want to hook up. But Tinder is filled with a lot of bullshit. There are the fake profiles, the joke profiles, the people who chat forever but never actually have the guts to meet in real life and the ones who are using a hookup app to find a serious relationship.

But the biggest bullshit of all is this notion that you need to go out on a date first. That's where the Netflix and Chill app could come in handy. In fact if Netflix was smart, they would branch out into the online dating market and develop this app themselves. (They should also develop the "hinder" app to cock-block your ex)

Imagine this: You're at home alone watching Netflix and all of a sudden a little icon pops up in the corner of your screen. You click on it and suddenly Netflix gives you a list of members of the opposite sex in your area who are also watching the same movie.

Now you have options, you can watch the movie together in your own respective living rooms and chat about it afterwards, you can open the chat function and talk about the movie as you're watching it, or you can simply invite the other person to come over and watch the movie with you.

Let's face it, true love is all about finding someone to do nothing with but watch TV and eat pizza on a lazy Sunday. Netflix could potentially become the world's greatest matchmaker.

There's definitely some money to be made here, now all we need is a brave individual to develop this idea into a reality. Jist make sure to send me cut of the profits. Are you the hero we've been looking for?

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