Local farmers learn new technology

Julia Baratta For GateHouse Media
Farmers from throughout the county converged on the Andersons Agronomic Land Lab in the test fields at the BACC. The annual Field Day attracted a large number of attendees. Julia Baratta Photo

COLDWATER — School may still be out in the area, but local farmers had a chance to learn about the newest agricultural technologies at The Anderson’s Agronomic Land Lab, located east of the Branch Area Careers Center.

The Andersons conducted their annual Field Day with presentations, giveaways, refreshments and information about current agricultural events.

The day began with registration and the distributing of gloves, pens and pads of paper courtesy of The Andersons. Each attendee received a bag and was treated to a breakfast of various flavors of bagels with cream cheese and juice or milk. Thus fortified, The Andersons’ staff led the individual groups to the various plots for talks on different aspects of crop production.

Mike Mock, senior risk manager for The Andersons Inc., talked on the corn, soybean and wheat market update. In another plot, sprayer and tank cleanout was discussed with Fred Whitford, clinical engagement professor at Purdue University. Specialty Products from The Andersons Plant Nutrient division was presented by Ken Zielinski, the territory manager for The Andersons.

Lunch was provided while three brief talks were given by Hal Reed, the chief operating officer of The Andersons; Carrie Vollmer-Sanders, Western Lake Erie Basin project director; and Jim Byrum from Michigan Agricultural Business Association.

The Andersons has been working with the BACC Agricultural program for “at least seven years,” Patty Masarik said. “We’ve worked with Bill Post for several years on the plot development.”

The test plots include varieties of corn and soybeans, as well as foliar fertilizers and fungicides.

“We are testing the varieties in different areas of the field,” Jeff Boswell said. He is the agricultural advisor for the Plant Nutrient Group of Litchfield Farm Center.

“We will get the results from several different areas, not just from one,” he said.

Another meeting is planned for January, when the results of the test plot will be revealed and shared with the farming community.