Delivery Day Is Here for Tesla’s Model 3

Elon Musk is about to hand over the first keys for the most-anticipated car of the 21st century. Here’s how to watch, and what we’ll be watching for.

Here Come the Tesla Model 3s

Sixteen months ago, Elon Musk shook the auto industry by unveiling the Tesla Model 3, a $35,000 electric sedan designed to take on the bestselling luxury cars. Customers stood in lines the world over to plunk down hundreds of thousands of $1,000 deposits—an unprecedented show of enthusiasm for a new vehicle from a relatively young automaker.

On Friday, Tesla will hand over keys to the first 30 customers and begin the ramp up to high-volume production that will determine whether Tesla is worth its $56 billion stock valuation—the biggest for a U.S. carmaker. The event will be livestreamed by Tesla at 9 p.m. on the West Coast. Here’s what we’ll be watching for at the launch party, including four potential wild-card surprises.