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Insider Trading is a weekly report of stock transactions involving officers, directors and owners of 10 percent or more of a publicly held company. Corporate insiders historically make more economically sound decisions in trading their own company’s stock than do other investors. Selling by insiders is not necessarily negative, however, because they may sell stock for tax reasons, estate planning or cash needs. Here are some of the most recent transactions reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York and American stock exchanges by companies with interests in Central Florida.

Caleres Inc.

Diane M. Sullivan, chief executive officer, sold 4,150 common shares at $30.02 each on Nov. 10 and now holds 541,743 shares.

Harris Corp.

Scott T. Mikuen, general counsel, exercised an option for 8,800 common shares at $37.69 each on Nov. 16. He sold 8,800 common shares at $80.00 each on Nov. 16 and now holds 39,810 shares.

International Business Machines Corp.

Thomas W. Rosamilia, officer, sold 15,000 common shares ranging in price from $132.42 to $132.56 each on Nov. 16 and now holds 7,581 shares.

JetBlue Airways Corp.

Joel Clinton Peterson, director, sold 14,276 common shares at $25.82 each on Nov. 9 and now holds 587,496 shares.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

John L. Donnelly, officer, exercised an option for 20,920 common shares at $46.58 each on Nov. 9.

Mary E. Erdoes, officer, exercised an option for 200,000 common shares at $45.79 each on Nov. 9.

McDonald’s Corp.

Jose Armario, officer, exercised an option for 15,000 common shares at $63.25 each on Nov. 13. He sold 15,000 common shares at $112.14 each on Nov. 13 and now holds 18,036 shares.

Peter J. Bensen, officer, exercised an option for 15,870 common shares at $36.37 each on Nov. 11. He sold 15,870 common shares at $113.78 each on Nov. 11 and now holds 14,923 shares.

David Ogden Fairhurst, officer, sold 3,144 common shares at $114.04 each on Nov. 11.

Richard R. Floersch, officer, exercised an option for 23,910 common shares at $57.08 each on Nov. 11. He sold 23,910 common shares at $113.67 each on Nov. 11 and now holds 21,310 shares.

Kevin M. Ozan, chief financial officer, exercised an option for 3,463 common shares at $36.37 each on Nov. 11. He sold 3,463 common shares at $113.74 each on Nov. 11 and now holds 11,632 shares.

Northrop Grumman Corp.

Denise M. Peppard, officer, sold 4,944 common shares at $181.24 each on Nov. 9 and now holds 30,403 shares.

Travelers Companies Inc.

Doreen Spadorcia, officer, exercised an option for 14,860 common shares ranging in price from $56.81 to $59.74 each on Nov. 12. She sold 18,360 common shares ranging in price from $113.44 to $113.83 each on Nov. 12 and now holds 10,856 shares.

Waste Management Inc.

James E. Trevathan Jr., officer, exercised an option for 379,130 common shares ranging in price from $33.49 to $37.59 each on Nov. 9 and Nov. 10. He sold 308,983 common shares ranging in price from $53.75 to $53.79 each on Nov. 9 and Nov. 10 and now holds 271,181 shares.

Source: Thomson Reuters