Planned Parenthood Worker Tweets Every Act of Terrorism She Faced Working at a Clinic

Following the tragic shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic that killed three people on Friday, a woman who once worked for the non-profit is shining light on the threats and real acts of violence the clinics' workers and patients face every day.

An anti-abortion protest at a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota in 2012. (Photo: Flickr/Fibonacci Blue)
An anti-abortion protest at a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota in 2012. (Photo: Flickr/Fibonacci Blue)

Following the tragic shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic that killed three people on Friday, a woman who once worked for the non-profit is shining light on the threats and real acts of violence the clinics’ workers and patients face every day.

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Last night, Bryn Greenwood tweeted that she worked at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Kansas for three years, and despite the fact that the particular clinic didn’t perform abortions, she and her coworkers were targeted with numerous acts of terrorism that included arson, shootings and various types of bombs.

In a long list of tweets, Ms. Greenwood listed what she experienced over that three-year period, making it clear that Friday’s event was not an isolated incident.

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Ms. Greenwood also volunteered at the Women’s Health Care Services abortion clinic run by Dr. George Tiller. He was targeted frequently for, at the time, his was one of only three clinics providing late-term abortions. Multiple attempts were made on his life, and he was ultimately murdered by an anti-abortion extremist.

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The tweetstorm has seen a huge reaction, from both sides. Thousands of comments have poured in, and all together, the tweets has garnered over 25,000 retweets, including many from media and feminist accounts such as HuffPost Women.

Planned Parenthood Worker Tweets Every Act of Terrorism She Faced Working at a Clinic