News | September 13, 2006

Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc. Starts Final Phase Of Class 10,000 Processing Laboratory Installation

San Diego - Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc., a biotechnology company focused on stem cell cryogenics and disposable stem cell / tissue transfer instruments, announced that Clean Rooms West has started the installation process of its modular class 10,000/100 Stem Cell Processing laboratory. Bio-Matrix Scientific is now entering into the final phase of renovation and construction of its 15,000 sq ft Stem Cell Cryogenic Bank.

Clean Rooms West has begun the preparatory work for the installation of the modular clean which has been built to Bio-Matrix' specifications. The laboratory will house the company's stem cell processing systems. It is anticipated the actual lab will arrive later this week, with final completion scheduled for the first part of October 2006.

Following an intense, best value search, Bio-Matrix Scientific selected Clean Rooms West as the prime contractor to design, develop, build and install the new class 10,000 processing laboratory.

Brian Pockett, Managing Director and COO, stated, "The construction and completion of this laboratory is a major step towards our ability to accept and process adult stem cells."

Bio-Matrix' new 15,000 sq ft state-of-the-art, located in the heart of the San Diego biotechnology will house Bio-Matrix' secure Cryogenic Stem Cell Bank, 3 Research laboratories, aseptic cellular/tissue class 10,000/100 processing laboratory, hematology, microbiology and flow cytometry laboratories.

SOURCE: Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc.