You’ll Soon Be Seeing Less of David Gandy’s Perfect Abs

Most of us can agree that the only thing David Gandy should ever wear is underwear, but it looks like the male model will soon be hanging up his tighty whities. Gandy revealed to Chatty Man‘s Alan Carr that his days of delighting us in nary but some tiny undergarments are numbered.

Gandy is at a point in his career where he already has a lot on his plate. He’s got his David Preston footwear label to focus on, as well as his Marks & Spencer line, acting gigs, and he’ll be launching his own line of dietary supplements and healthy snacks. It’s clear that Gandy has already entered the realm of burgeoning model mogul and though his face can sell pretty much anything, Gandy admitted that he his phasing himself out of advertising for his own underwear line. “I will slowly fade from modelling my own stuff,” he said. “I’ll be bringing in young British models to give them a chance like I had.”

We’ll be sad to see less of Gandy, but we’re willing to take the promise of him introducing us to a new range of hotties as consolation. Maybe he can pull from this crop of lookers for his next campaign.

In the meantime, please enjoy the video below.

[via Vogue UK]
