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What you admire (and criticize, love and worry about) in others also exists in you, otherwise you wouldn”t be able to recognize it so keenly. Your observations can be put to excellent use as the moon swells to tomorrow”s full status in Virgo. Neptune antagonizes the lunar influence, urging us to unearth the hidden truth, set it in the light, and be liberated.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). The perfect thing for you now is a system that allows you to operate freely within it — even break out of it — because you know it”s a loose guide and not a stone tablet gospel.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The key to being “on” in the moment when it matters may be in being “off” before it matters. All that you do to rest and recharge today will count toward next week”s success.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You”ll deal with the difficult people again, because you”re often the only one in your group who can. Just remember, the loudmouths are usually trying to project a bigger sense of themselves to hide deep insecurities.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). The meditator aims to master the mind by emptying it. Logically, it would seem that fewer thoughts would be easier to manage. Another, perhaps easier, way to have fewer thoughts will be to lose yourself in your favorite activity.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It”s like you”re given a key today — just one, but one is all you need. The same key will open the door to a few different opportunities, some of them most enjoyable, some terrible. So go with caution, testing things out along the way.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). When you think you understand but don”t really, it”s worse than knowing you”re clueless. The latter is an invitation for learning, the former an invitation for mistakes.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Stick too close to the tradition, routine or plan and the result will have less life in it than the zingy unpredictability of your inspired whims. Surround yourself with people who get this.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The Zen proverb says, “The wild geese do not intend to cast their reflections. The water has no mind to receive their images.” Unintended validation, beauty and grace will be part of your day.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). In all matters of life, from choosing a mate to choosing a teacher (home-repair person, tour guide, babysitter or any role at all that needs filling in your life), what matters is not that it”s a perfect match but that it”s a good fit.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). No matter how much money a person has, there will always be options that cost more. So don”t wish for wealth as you face today”s financial decisions; wish for wisdom.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). To seek “the” truth may be a waste of the day, as there are thousands of informational bits to sort through, held together by only the most tenuous threads of the stuff. Instead seek “your” truth (also difficult, but less so).

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your fortunes will be augmented when you are sweet to your family for an hour, unless you are too busy: Then your fortunes will be augmented when you are sweet to your family for two hours.

TODAY”S BIRTHDAY (March 11). You don”t have to know your way; the map is in you and the map is you. Friends will inspire you to travel. Family will provide you with a moneymaking opportunity so you can do it right. Next month: Rethink; revamp; remodel. June brings a fork in the road and a big decision, but don”t stress; revert back to sentence one. Aquarius and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 10, 4, 44, 48 and 1.

ASTROLOGICAL QUESTION: “I”m a Leo. I read my horoscope almost daily, and I think it really is quite accurate for me. People have asked me what my rising sign is. Is Leo my rising sign?”

Leo is your sun sign, also referred to as your birth sign, natal sign or simply your sign. Your rising sign is different: It is the astrological sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Figuring out your rising sign requires that you know the time and location of your birth. Whereas the sun sign determines how your perceive yourself, your rising sign has more to do with how others perceive you, how you look and how you impress others. If your rising sign and sun sign are the same, you”ve a lovely congruency there. If they are opposed, it”s a charismatic complexity. If these two signs are squared, good humor is indicated. There are many websites that will calculate your rising sign online, and once you find out, you may have fun applying the daily horoscope of both your rising and sun sign.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Award-winning recording artist Emeli Sande has also written songs for Alicia Keys, Susan Boyle, Rihanna and others. The musical Pisces was born when the communication planet, Mercury, was also in that spiritual realm. Her homebody Cancer moon suggests that the hardest part of being an international star is traveling. Sande”s natal Mars is in Taurus, the sign that rules the voice.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, Feb 08, 2017 19:36:33 -0800