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It”s a one-two punch of motivational mojo as the sun joins with Venus in Capricorn followed by a conjunction of Pluto two hours later. This planetary power trio in the sign of authority and big challenges lends confidence, clarity and a strong sense of purpose to the mission. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can”t, you”re right.” — Henry Ford

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You won”t have everyone”s approval, and frankly it would be weird if you did. You so have the blessing of all who matter in this, though — even if it”s only you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You are wise. Wisdom can be practical — but often isn”t. Wisdom can point to the popular choice — but often doesn”t. Wisdom can provide comfort — but it also tolerates the very uncomfortable and uncertain realities of life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It”s been a while since you fantasized about the future. You used to do this often and well! It”s time to get back to that rich imagination of yours and apply it creating some magic for yourself in the weeks to come.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Everything feels better when you have a plan. It doesn”t have to be a good plan. Even a janky, under-researched, unfeasible plan will give you the measure of purpose and confidence necessary to go one step further.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You want to make an improvement, and here”s what will help. Plan the “ifs” and “thens”: If this happens, then I”ll do that. If that happens, then I”ll do this. Decide in advance and set yourself up for success.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). While you”ve been known to do excellent work in phases, you”ve neither the patience nor the time for that today. You”ll throw it all down in the white-hot heat of one long frenzy.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When you muster up the courage to take a chance, that”s something in and of itself. You needn”t couple your daring with the added pressure of demanding that you succeed. Give yourself credit for starting. Starting is for the brave.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The best answer just might be “I don”t know.” That”s the answer that lets many things be possibilities. A connection made in the afternoon will take a surprising and delightful direction.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You”re in a community of people who are making the world a better place. You”ll love your role in this. The group isn”t always in agreement as to the best methods, but you”ll come to a consensus today.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Remodels and reorganization efforts can be funny this way: You often have to make a mess before you can make an improvement. When things get crazy, push through to the “after” picture.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You face life with a thoroughly optimistic outlook even when the circumstances do not obviously favor you and yours. Your calm, measured approach allows for smooth dealings all around.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Hesitation isn”t always fear. Sometimes it”s a function of prudence, intuition or wisdom. Maybe you sense you”re not ready, and there”s no shame in that.

TODAY”S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 9). This solar return is an uptick in love and abundance. Winning teams will be part of the fun. What happens to your group in February will lift you all. You”ll get to make your own schedule in April, and this will be a game-changer. The spring lets you create, innovate and play while getting paid. Sagittarius and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 40, 20, 12 and 33.

COSMICALLY CURIOUS ABOUT… EMPATHS. Over the next three days we will cover three things an Empath shouldn”t leave the house without. Besides the keys, wallet and breath freshener, there are things you”re going to need if you”re the sort of person who tends to be more affected by environments than others.

Tool 1: An intention you can get behind.

For people with sensitivities, there are many reasons to leave the house that seem joyless, ordinary or draining. Sensitive people are more affected by environments, so they need bigger reasons to take them on.

Banking or grocery shopping might seem like a nothing errand to some, but if you”re sensitive, a few hours out in traffic, interacting under fluorescent lighting, having exchanges with people of all different energies and emotional levels… well, simple errands like this can take more energy. An intention that goes beyond the ordinary can turn the outing into a greater purpose or a fun game.

What if your intention was to smile at 10 random people in the world? What if your intention was to listen to an interesting podcast on the ride or to sing in the car? Intentions such as these will keep the mind of the empath — which is creative and warm and needing a positive focus — engaged in the higher vibrations of life.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Happy birthday to Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (aka Kate Middleton), a Capricorn whose star is burning so bright that the entire world seems to be watching her every move. With Mercury and Venus in philanthropic Aquarius, Middleton is focused on the good of humanity. Meanwhile, her Mars, Saturn and Pluto, all in Libra, promise that diplomacy and tact will eternally stand the princess in good stead.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, Dec 13, 2017 21:07:44 -0800