How Does Fitzgerald Use Cars In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby In the great gatsby Fitzgerald uses cars to demonstrate that the rich believe that they are superior and above all the rest. The rich use their money as a way to make their own rules. The people of higher class demonstrate that they can not take responsibility for their actions. They also go through life not caring what they leave behind. They speed through all decision they make not caring if they break hearts or take lives. Fitzgerald uses cars to symbolize the carelessness of the wealthy which ultimately leads to death. Jordans reckless driving is used to highlight the inability for the rich to care about other needs. Nick the main character tells Jordan to slow down and Jordan replies with a “ They’ll keep out of my way (Fitzgerald 53).” With this, it shows the reader that the rich believe they are above the law. They are so infused into their own bubble and own world that forget there is another reality out there. With the attitude, the rich have it eventually leads to disastrous events. Fitzgerald uses cars as a symbol of their superiority and how they are seen as greater than the rest. Cars are vehicles …show more content…

Owls eyes a drunk man from the novel admits to being drunk for days and goes to the library to sober up. When the time comes to leave Owl eyes is involved in an accident. When a man from the crowd asks “how did it happen?...[Owl eyes responded saying] don’t ask me... washing his hands of the whole matter (Fitzgerald 55).” The author shows how the rich don’t care and do not what to be held accountable for their actions. They would prefer to blame the whole world for their action instead of admitting to them. There fear being exposed to the public in a negative manner. Their image means the world to them. That is why Owl eyes blamed the vehicle then simply admitting he is drunk. Which lead to him crashing his car into a

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