Liver disease is now the fifth most common cause of death

Our newest free unit outlines how nurses in all healthcare settings can reduce liver disease by identifying patients with risk factors for the three major types of liver disease – alcohol, hepatitis B and C, and obesity leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

In England and Wales there was a 25% increase in deaths from liver disease between 2001 and 2009 and nurses have an important to play in addressing this issue. The three main causes of liver disease are mainly preventable so their incidence  can be reduced through health promotion and education

Nurses are also involved in caring for patients with chronic liver disease. Those with advanced disease require active intervention and management to achieve symptom control, while for those nearing the end of life nurses play a key role in end-of-life care planning and delivery.

Liver Disease: risk factors and treatment is aimed at nurses working in all healthcare settings; it will enable you to identify patients at risk of liver disease, offer them health education to reduce their risk, and recognise those who require referral to specialist liver services.

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