The real intelligence failure of Forest Gate

Last updated at 09:37 09 June 2006

A week on, we're still none the wiser, though we can probably agree that using 300 police officers to raid one terrace house in East London was a bit over the top.

Let's start from the premise that the two young men arrested in Forest Gate are innocent and then take it from there.

What marked this raid out from dozens of others was the sheer scale of the operation and the fact that a gun went off, injuring one of the suspects, fortunately not fatally.

The police must have had good reason to steam in team-handed. When it comes to the terrorist threat, I'm always prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt.

In this case, it seems the intelligence was well wide of the crease. But at least we can understand why it was given credibility.

It's less than a year since four young Muslim men blew themselves up on the London transport system, killing 52 innocent passengers and wounding hundreds more.

A couple of months ago, a crowd of foaming Muslims marched through London preaching death and hatred, praising the 7/7 bombers and threatening another attack in Britain in a spurious, manufactured fit of fury over a couple of Danish cartoons no one had seen.

Among that vile mob was the older brother of the men arrested in Forest Gate. He was on day-release from prison at the time.

We are told that the two brothers now in police custody had become "radicalised" after 9/ 11, grew beards, adopted extreme Islamic dress and were fond of spouting jihad against the West.

Growing a beard is not yet a hanging offence, though give John Reid a chance. But it's fair to say they had put themselves on offer.

No one has yet explained to my satisfaction quite how someone becomes "radicalised" after a major terrorist atrocity. Surely it should be just the opposite.

It's as if someone who had led a normal life up until the Moors murders suddenly decided it would be a good idea to start murdering children.

Try looking at it from the police's point of view. They get a tip-off that two men well-known for extreme Islamist views, whose jailbird brother recently took part in a march promising a re-run of a major terrorist attack on London, are making a chemical weapon.

What the hell are they supposed to do? Steer clear for fear of upsetting the "community"? Take a chance that one or both of these lunatics straps on a suicide belt and detonates it on the District Line?

Maybe the raid could have been carried out with more tact and less overkill, but it had to happen.

It's a pity that someone got shot, but the police had every right to go in carrying arms. No one died here.

Cast your mind back to another police raid on a suspected chemical weapons factory in Manchester in 2003. On that occasion, they were unarmed and Det Con Stephen Oake paid with his life — stabbed to death by a terrorist. Should the Met have taken the same chance?

Of course not. And they had to go in early because, if you remember, the 7/7 bombers were on the road well before dawn.

Since the Forest Gate operation, we have been bombarded with claim and counter claim. Cutting through it hasn't been easy. If the raid was over the top, the reaction to it has been absurd, inconsistent and incoherent.

First we're told that the 4am knock on the door woke the family up. Then we're asked to believe that, actually, the police disturbed 'morning prayers'.

Yeah, right.

Speaking of the family, the rest of them all went off on holiday to Mauritius the following day. As you do.

Ask yourself this: if two of your sons were being held by police on terrorist charges — one of them with a gunshot wound — would you pack up your bucket and spade and head off to sunnier climes?


Assorted 'friends' and 'community leaders' have been given free rein by our friends in the rolling news media. At one stage, Sky News seemed literally to be stopping Muslims in the street and inviting them to slag off the police. The local BBC news this week has been one long catalogue of Muslim grievances.

On Sky, two alleged 'friends' of the men arrested were interviewed. Well, I say 'interviewed'. They were given a platform to rant and rave unchallenged. One of these 'friends' was hooded, the other was wearing an intifada headscarf, and they were filmed from behind to protect their identity. They could have been anybody.

Before sharing his view of the world with us, one of them chanted an Islamic prayer. At the very least, it hinted that this 'friend' might have a broader agenda.

How many Christians have you ever seen on television treating us to a quick rendition of The Lord Is My Shepherd before answering a question?

Into the middle of this circus strode a stern woman from the police complaints committee, holding an impromptu press conference on the cobbles and by implication giving the impression that one or more police officers had committed a crime.

Then, right on cue, along came a shambling, self-righteous posse from the Muslim Council, led by a man who appeared to be wearing a ginger wig over grey sideburns. He looked a bit like Spike Milligan. I knew what he was going to say, so I switched over to the cricket.

Ever since 9/11, peace-loving 'moderate' Muslim leaders have never missed a chance to exploit any atrocity or police raid on suspected terrorists to advance their cause.

(Incidentally, there were 14 full-scale drugs raids across Britain this week. I don't recall leaders of the 'drug-taking community' being invited on TV to rubbish the Old Bill.)

We've even had that dopey Geordie bird from George Galloway's militant Islam/ SWP alliance party — last seen astride a donkey in Afghanistan — calling on Muslims to boycott the police. The burqa suits you, pet.

Even the new caring-sharing Tories are getting in on the act, with home affairs spokesman Dominic Grieve criticising the police in The Independent and warning of growing tensions in the 'community'.

For heaven's sake, get a grip.

The only good news in all of this is that the 'community' itself seems to have been singularly unimpressed by attempts to stir it up into a frenzy.

The people of Forest Gate appear to have accepted with good humour that these things happen and have gone about their daily business; shopping, working, kicking footballs around in the street.

After a week of madness, they're the only ones who haven't gone completely over the top.

...for ingerland, 'arry and St George

Now that schools are dumbing down Shakespeare for modern consumption, perhaps we should revise Henry V so David Beckham can deliver a stirring speech to send his men into battle in the World Cup.

(Translation in italics.)

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

' Ere we go, ' ere we go, ' ere we go.

Or close the wall up with our English dead.

' Ere we go, ' ere we go, ' ere we go.

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start. The game's afoot.

' Ere we go, ' ere we go, ' ere we go.

Follow your spirit, and upon this charge.

' Ere we go, ' ere we GO!

Cry "God For Harry, England and Saint George!"

In-ger-land, In-ger-land, In-ger-LAND!

Isn't forced marriage rape?

Men convicted of raping their wives are to face the same punishment as gang rapists who drag women off the streets.

But the Government has decided against making forced marriage a criminal offence after protests from Muslims.

Let me get this straight. If you have sex with your wife and later she accuses you, for whatever reason, of raping her, you could go to prison for eight years. But it's perfectly legal to abduct a young girl from a Pakistani village, fly her to England and force her to marry a man she's never met.

Presumably sexual intercourse is involved at some stage. And I assume if she didn't consent to the marriage, she certainly didn't consent to the sex, either.

It's their culture, innit?

What was I saying about there being one law for Muslims and another for the rest of us?

Former coronation Street sex symbol and gay pin-up Adam Rickitt, who has failed to get selected for Michael Howard's seat, went into print this week to defend himself against those who say he should not be on David Cameron's A-list. It appeared under the headline: Why Am I The Tory Whipping Boy?

Brown's blether

As i've remarked before, I don't know why anyone bothers interviewing Gordon Brown. He's like a runaway train. On Radio 4' s Today programme this week, John Humphrys just gave up and started laughing.

Later, for reasons best known to himself, Gordon went off to meet Britain's oldest man — 110-year-old Henry Allingham. He was only 99 when Gordon started talking.