Monday, 13 May 2024

Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand reap criticized after the scandal of luxury watch


Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand reap criticized after the scandal of luxury watch Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand reap criticized after the scandal of luxury watch -  Thai Deputy Prime Minister, General Prawit Wongsuwan, must pushed back from his position because dozens of luxury watches he wore in recent years.

General Prawit, who claimed to borrow the luxury watch from a friend, promised to step down if found guilty by the anti-corruption commission related to the luxury watches.

General Prawit, who also served as Thailand's Minister of Defense have triggered a public uproar after being caught using dozens of luxury watches over the past few years.

More than 20 luxury watches that he wore since taking office in May 2014. And the value of each luxury watch reaches millions of baht.

The National Anticorruption Commission (NACC) of Thailand is investigating this. Critics of the junta's government, as well as a number of supporters of the military junta, have called for General Parwit to step down or take time off while the case is being investigated.

Initially refused, this week, General Prawit insists he will resign if found guilty.

"Let NACC investigate this issue and if I am declared to have made a mistake, I will resign," General Prawit said as reported by local Thai media, The Nation, and quoted by Straits Times on Friday, January 19 2018.

According to General Prawit, NACC will not interfere in this matter.

"NACC has their own implementation procedures.We need to wait for them to complete their tasks I have submitted my explanation to NACC," he added.

General Prawit asserted that the luxury watches he had worn had belonged to his friends.

"I borrowed it from my friends and I have returned it all back," he claimed. He refuses to mention the number of luxury watches that he owns.

On the other hand, the NACC's Chairman, Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit is former a General Prawit's secretary when the military junta took over the Thai government some time ago.

Thai academics have called on Watcharapol not to investigate the case of his former boss, on suspicion that NACC will not investigate him seriously. Moreover, NACC members are appointed by the Thai military junta government.

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