SPRINGFIELD, Mo — A major flaw in WiFi protocol has left networks vulnerable to hackers, even when protected by a password. It’s estimated that over 40% of Android users can be impacted.

This flaw was discovered in WPA-2, which is how routers secure a network and encrypt data.

Most users utilize this technology to enable a password on their WiFi. 

Although no major hacks have surfaced, experts in the field are warning users to update their systems now before sensitive information ends up in the wrong hands. 

“It wouldn’t surprise me a couple months from now if we read about a large breach,” said Dr. McMurtrey with Drury University. “This is something that is very confusing and intimidating for a lot of people.”

“The risk for users at home is a lot less than businesses.”

That’s because hackers are more interested in money than they are in family pictures or personal files.

Why Businesses Are More at Risk 

The vulnerability known as ‘KRACK’ allows hackers to view traffic on WiFi networks.

This applies to small businesses who may transfer credit card transactions over a WiFi signal.

Boutiques, coffee shops, or restaurants who use tablets to take and process orders will all be vulnerable, if their systems are not properly updated.

How to Fix the Problem

A simple update to your router will fix the problem. The router is the small box that sends out your WiFi signal.

Manufacturers like Microsoft have been busy pushing out updates since the vulnerability was discovered. 

Typically, your router can be updated by logging into your WiFi and then navigating to an IP address predetermined by your router. 

For this information, you’ll want to look into the manufacturer of your router. Linksys, Motorola, Asus, and Netgear are all common brands. 

Here’s a website that details how to install new firmware.

“This is an instance we can do a lot of good deeds,” said Dr McMurtrey. “People (that are knowledgeable about computers) can be reaching out to family and friends that need help.”

Tips for Travelers and Consumers

Due to sensitive information, business travelers forced to connect to unknown networks (ie. Hotels or restaurants) will want to use VPN access if available.

Virtual Private Networks add an additional level of security in case of a breach.

Also, if purchasing products online, be sure to look for websites beginning with “https://”.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure ensures that you’re on a secure website server, adding additional layers of security.