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Esmark acquires assets of former Pittsburgh Annealing Box

 –  Reporter, Pittsburgh Business Times

Esmark Industrial Group has acquired the former Pittsburgh Annealing Box Inc. in Vanport.

Terms of the deal weren't disclosed, but a news release from Pittsburgh-based Esmark Industrial Group, a division of Esmark Inc., said it was in the multimillion-dollar range. The company, which has 65,000 square feet of manufacturing and had been known as KMA Manufacturing since 2003, will now be known as Excalibur Machine & Fabrication — Vanport.

Esmark plans to expand and restore the facilities for maintenance and fabrication for the steel industry as well as the energy, transportation and heavy-equipment industries. Thirty-seven former KMA employees will be working at the Beaver County facility, Esmark said. KMA moved to Vanport in 2006 after receiving a $1 million loan from the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority. At the time it had 21 employees and was to create 15 more jobs.

“Combined with our ASME-certified manufacturing facility and 100-ton lifting capacity, the addition of the former Pittsburgh Annealing Box assets will significantly enhance our ability to provide customers with a full range of steel processing, machining, fabricating and assembly services," said Esmark Industrial Group CEO Dave Luptak in a prepared statement.