The 'Pretty Little Liars' Cast Says This Character Changed The Most Over 7 Seasons

The 'Pretty Little Liars' Cast Says This Character Changed The Most Over 7 Seasons

The Pretty Little Liars cast only have eight more episodes to go until the series is over.

The cast — Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, Shay Mitchell, Troian Bellisario, and Sasha Pieterse — are opening up in an in-depth interview with Vulture about the show’s highs and lows, and when asked about just which character changed the most, all of them agree: it was Ali.

“Everyone has grown into their own, but Ali has had such a remarkable change,” Lucy shared.

Sasha, who played Ali on the series, agrees.

“They literally changed her personality,” she says. “I think her character broke down her own walls and realized how much she had put away and forgotten about and suppressed. Once she realized how terrible her family was, and why she was the way she was, she worked on that, and it helped having great friends that helped her through that.”

Sasha adds, “She really did change for the better.”

TELL JJJ: Which character do you think changed the most?

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