Don’t pee in a parking lot, and other life lessons

The Herald-Mail

Around lunchtime each day, my co-workers and I take a two-mile walk along the Hagerstown Cultural Trail, through Hagerstown City Park and back to The Herald-Mail building.

Most of my day is spent in a desk chair in front of a screen, so I am thankful for the break, the exercise and the fresh air. I’ve found that I am more creative and productive in the afternoon when we take a lunchtime stroll.

Along the way, we see ducks, geese, an occasional turtle, children playing in the park, walkers from other downtown businesses and beautiful scenery.

On a recent day, however, that serenity was broken by an “I can’t believe it” moment.

As we were walking back to work, I noticed a man in the parking lot with his back to us, legs spread apart, appearing as if he were aiming for a tree.

Actually, he was.

“Is he peeing?” I asked one of my co-workers.

The guy finished, tucked things back in place and turned around.

I extended my hands out to the side in a “What were you thinking” pose, kind of like the woman shrugging emoji.

“Sorry,” he said in an irritated tone.

“This is private property,” I admonished, unable to mask my maternal scolding.

He pointed to the laundromat and said, “They don’t have a bathroom.”

My co-worker pointed to the tree: “That’s not a bathroom, either.”

The tree visitor muttered one more half-hearted, “Sorry,” while walking away.

I was left wondering why the man thought this was OK. Who pees in a parking lot? Did his parents forget the bathroom decorum lesson? Did he ignore their teachings? Perhaps he was never taught about such things.

Later that evening, I came across a list of “40 old-fashioned skills that kids need to know today.”

As I gazed at the list, the tree visitor came to mind, and I thought about the things I taught my children, who are now adults.

The first item on the list, “How to write a letter,” is second-nature in our house. Since their mom’s a writer, they really didn’t have a choice. We wrote lots of letters when they were growing up. I always had notecards, stationery and fun pens they could use.

We thought it was important that they knew how to shake hands and introduce themselves, items that counted separately on the list but really go hand in hand. Looking someone in the eye and listening for the other person’s name are important components of introductions. Likewise, two other items on the list — how to ask questions to get to know someone better and how to get to know an older person — seem like they should be second nature.

My kids probably wish I didn’t ask so many questions, but they’re accustomed to it by now. I have noticed that they aren’t shy about seeking information. That’s a good thing.

As far as how to get to know an older person, how hard is that? It basically involves listening, nodding in agreement and laughing along. In most cases, that skill is a great stress-reliever.

Some of the items on the list involve decorum and social graces. Having good table manners, proper conduct at a concert or performance, how to notice the needs around you … teaching those occurs as we eat together, go out together, interact with others. If we model proper behavior, they learn proper behavior.

When it comes to bathroom decorum, though, we hope that they learn what to do and not to do by the time they are through the potty training stage.

That’s the hope, but apparently not always the case.

For the complete list of old-fashioned skills that kids need to know today, go to

Lisa Tedrick Prejean writes a weekly column for The Herald-Mail. Send e-mail to her at Follow her on Twitter @Lisa_Prejean.[