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Gardening Q&A: Shape up small crape myrtle while dormant; check fertilize, light conditions for fig


Q. I need advice of how to trim my crape myrtle. It is a mess and I don’t know where to start. Any advice would be helpful. — D. Revell, Hertford, N.C.

A. The good news is that you have a small tree that is not really in that bad of shape. From the looks of the picture you sent, it has not been hacked to the extent that it can’t be easily corrected. With a little work next year, you should be able to get it shaped up. Since we are now into fall, and the growing season over, you should wait until late winter/spring. And because crape myrtles bloom on next year’s growth, your bloom won’t be adversely impacted.

You have plenty of time to study up on the directions that I am sending. The Clemson Extension video found at does an excellent job demonstrating the basics of pruning a small/young crape myrtle. And this Fine Gardening article found at compliments the video and provides some good illustrations that should guide you.

I’ll add that before you begin, be sure that you have a good pair of sharp bypass pruners. This is a good investment for future jobs. Do not attempt this with loppers. Your branches are small and you need to make small, precise, clean cuts. Your tree and neighbors will appreciate you choosing NOT to commit that common crime known as “crape murder.”

Figs need sufficient light and water to fully mature and ripen.
Figs need sufficient light and water to fully mature and ripen.

Q. We have a fig bush (or is it a tree?). We’ve had it for at least 15 years. The past three or four winters have been particularly hard on it, but it bounces back every spring with beautiful thick foliage, looking very healthy. However, it hasn’t borne fruit in several years. We are missing our fig preserves.Can you shed some light on the problem? — M. Overby, Franklin

A. Yes, I really like those fig preserves also. Memories … I grew up in eastern North Carolina eating fig preserves on hot biscuits with fresh cream from my grandmother’s milk cows.

The lack of fruiting on your fig tree can be due to lack of sunlight, to little/much water and too much nitrogen fertilization (probably not the issue). Figs require full sun. I have a magnificent fig in my backyard that produces many small figs that never mature and ripen. It gets a little morning sun, but is shaded all afternoon. I am convinced the lack of sunlight is the issue.

But water is important in the fruit development stage, and the lack or excess of can influence development. Figs prefer a pH of 6.0 to 6.5. Have you ever tested your soil, and do you ever fertilized your fig? They like a complete fertilizer annually. My grandfather swore by the benefit of scattering oyster shells around the base of his fig bushes. Of course oyster shells contain calcium, but the solubility of the element in whole oyster shells is low. But over time, they may have raised the pH of his mucky eastern N.C. soil to help produce crops that would draw folks from all over to his Gum Neck community farm.

And one more thing

Mark you calendar for this Tuesday at 9:31 a.m., when the fall equinox occurs, and astronomical fall officially begins. Get your rake ready — you may have noticed some leaves falling. The black cherry behind my house is the first to signal the change seasons — as it has been doing for several weeks now. Plants know.