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WordPress P2: Is This A Real Rival To Microsoft Teams And Slack?

This article is more than 3 years old. has launched a new team collaboration service called P2, providing further competition in a space dominated by Microsoft Teams and Slack.

WordPress P2 is a more modest offering than either Teams or Slack. Perhaps best thought of as a WordPress-based intranet, it allows team members to post updates on projects etc, using a system that is very similar in design to a regular WordPress blog.

Users can embed images, video and audio in their posts, or use preset WordPress blocks to do things such as create polls, embed forms or share PDFs. Other users can comment on posts made in a P2, using the now conventional @ sign to mention other team members by name and bring them into the discussion.

What P2 doesn’t have is the real-time chat facility that you’ll find in either of its two bigger rivals. Neither is there any means of private messaging or talking by voice/video call. It’s more of a platform for making announcements or discussing documents, much like old-school company intranets.

It’s not a full-frontal attack on Teams or Slack, but an alternative that might better suit some users because of its sheer simplicity.

Where did P2 come from?

P2 is the internal communication tool used by owner, Automattic. The company has more than 1,200 employees spread around the globe, but no central office, and so it relies on tools such as P2 for team communication.

The company says the service isn’t pitched purely at businesses. “Whether you’re looking to connect with a newly remote work team, your homeschooling group, or long-distance friends and family, P2 can help you stay in sync,” the launch announcement claims. “Keep it private to your team, or open it up to an entire community.”

There is currently no premium tier of P2 like there is with the other services, and it’s completely ad-free. The only real restriction is that each P2 has a 3GB storage limit, although given the limited nature of what can be shared via the service, that’s unlikely to present too much of a problem in the near term.

Currently, all P2 instances have to be hosted by WordPress, but the company says it is planning to offer a self-hosting option and custom domains in the future.

To give users a flavor of how P2 works, WordPress has set up a public P2 to let users provide feedback on the project and report bugs.

You can create your own WordPress P2 by clicking here.

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