Letters to the editor

I read a Washington Post column by Hidetaka Hirota titled “The disturbing precedent for busing migrants to other states.” But, if done correctly and with proper planning, this might be an answer to a problem.

I live in an area that is desperate for people to work in jobs that most Americans deem lowly. Manufacturing, housekeeping, construction and other industries are looking to hire people who want to work.

The states that have too many migrants might want to put out a call for help, instead of treating the migrants like cattle. Towns could plan to integrate them into their area with businesses that are willing to hire them. Then people could volunteer to help the families that risked their lives for better opportunities in the United States.

I am afraid that politicians are forgetting that they represent people. Treating people who need a better life as if they are cattle and shipping them off without a care for their welfare is not Christian.

“Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God” (Proverbs 14:31).

Population is declining in many states, and immigrants are needed to increase productive capacity, which raises the gross domestic product. If immigration makes the economy larger, more efficient and productive, what is the problem? Let’s figure out a positive solution for everyone, instead of engaging in political grandstanding.

Andrea Zimmerman


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