A New Councilman for Huntington City


By Julie Johansen

On Wednesday, Sept. 20, Devin Wilson was sworn in as a new councilman for Huntington City. Huntington City regretfully lost David Emery due to an accident during the last month.

Mayor Leonard Norton read a letter of thanks and gratitude from Emery’s family to the council. A moment of silence was then held to express appreciation and condolences for the loss of Councilman Emery. A motion to appoint Wilson as councilman to fill the vacancy was then entertained and approved.

Also during the meeting, a new business license was approved for Ethan’s Trailer Park at 120 South 200 East.

Christine Watkins then introduced herself to the council an explained her new position as Local Administrator Advisor. She explained her responsibilities in this position with the Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments, stating that she hopes to be of assistance to the city.

A public hearing was then held for the purpose of adjusting the city’s budget to install new lights at the rodeo grounds. These lights will be LED and are being purchased from Musco and will be installed by the city. The cost of the lights is $96,000. Additional crack seal is also needed at the cemetery and will cost $10,000, thus the need for budget adjustments. The hearing was closed and these actions were approved.

A resolution to cancel the municipal elections was approved as there were only three open slots and three people applied, so there is no need for an election. Another resolution was passed to send a letter of approval for nuclear power if and when the coal fired plants are changed.

An ordinance was also passed to change the zones where a tattoo parlor could be established to include commercial as well as industrial.

Mayor announced that fall clean up is beginning and tree limbs left on the street will be picked up once or twice per week until Oct. 15. He thanked citizens for their efforts in keeping the city looking nice.

Huntington City Fire Chief Chase Majors shared information about the fire department and the trainings they have attended. He announced a female firefighters training coming in October. Majors also spoke about their need for more firemen.

Council person Lesa Miller reminded the council about the annual Witches Ball at the Huntington City Park on Oct. 6.

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