Caltrans slide

Photo by Caltrans

A hillside slid just north of Santa Paula overnight from Feb. 19-20, covering both lanes of State Route 150. A third community meeting on officials' response to the massive mudslide was held Thursday, March 14, at 6 p.m., in person and livestreamed, at Thomas Aquinas College, 10000 Santa Paula-Ojai Road, Santa Paula.

A retaining wall is planned for State Route 150, which is completely covered with mud — 15 feet tall and 150 feet wide — at Bridge Road, just north of Santa Paula, according to Caltrans Public Information Officer Michael Comeaux. He said the estimate to reopen at least one lane of the highway remains the end of May.

He said there is "nonstop monitoring of the slide," which began overnight from Feb. 19 to 20.

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