On February 23, 2024, as part of the IWV Water District’s Basin Adjudication, the water district released to the public a White Paper on Groundwater in Storage in the Indian Wells Valley. This release details the science used by the water district and other key stakeholders’ “Technical Working Group” consultants to estimate the amount of total groundwater and potable groundwater in storage in the IWV. Storage represents a critical component of sustainability for the IWV Basin aquifer. Another critical component is basin recharge, which will also be released once fully vetted and finalized by the Technical Working Group.

Many are asking what the Storage Paper means for the IWV. Groundwater in storage represents how much total water is in the basin underground. It does not necessarily mean that all the groundwater in storage is available for use, but it is critical in determining how soon important aspects of Basin water management need to occur. This data, once fully integrated with recharge to the Basin, will allow the very best solutions for Basin sustainability to be realized.