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6 Music News Feed

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6 Music News feed

What are News Feeds?

The 6 Music News feed (aka RSS feed) allows you to see when we have published new stories without having to visit the website.  

How do I start using feeds?

In general, the first thing you need is something called a news reader. This is a piece of software that checks the feeds and lets you read any new articles that have been added.
For more info on how to get a newsreader visit BBC News.

How to subscribe to 6 Music News?

Once you have a news reader, you can subscribe by clicking here: 6 Music News Feed

If you have an iGoogle account you can add the feed from here: 6 Music News on iGoogle.

Alternatively, you will spot an orange button at the top right hand side of our news articles. If you click on this button you can subscribe in various ways, either by dragging the URL of the feed into your news reader or by cutting and pasting the same URL into a new feed in your news reader. Most sites that offer feeds use a similar orange button, but some may just have a normal web link.

Some browsers, including Firefox, Opera and Safari, automatically check for feeds for you when you visit a website and display an icon when they find one. This can make subscribing to feeds much easier. For more details on these browsers please check their websites.

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