Best Places for Business and Careers 2019

South Bend, IN

South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI
the place image

South Bend, IN

South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI
gross metro product
median household income
median home price
cost of living
12% below nat'l avg
college attainment
major industries
Healthcare, Education
job growth
0.7% (year: 2018)
As of October 2019
South Bend, influenced by a large influx of Polish Catholic immigrants in the late 19th century, still maintains a strong Catholic heritage today. The area is home to 23 Catholic churches in the city and surrounding county, eleven Catholic schools, and three Catholic universities including the University of Notre Dame, Holy Cross College, and Saint Mary's College, adjacent to the city in Notre Dame, Indiana. South Bend plays host to numerous events such as the Annual All Day Country Concert, the South Bend Reggae Music, the
World Pulse Festival, the Contemporary Christian music festival all attracting thousands of visitors. Other sites of interest include the South Bend Museum of Art, the Studebaker National Museum and the Morris Performing Arts Center.
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On forbes lists
In Cost of Doing Business
In Job Growth
In Education
By The Numbers
EmploymentHousingEducationQuality of Life
Job Growth
0.7% (year: 2018)
Projected Annual Job Growth
Median Household Income
Household Income Growth
High-Tech Employment
  • Data is for the metro area
  • Sources: Moody's Analytics; Sperling's BestPlaces; U.S. Census.
  • Numbers as of October 2019

  • a - Value of 100 means that a family with the median income has exactly enough income to qualify for a typical mortgage on a median-priced single-family home. An index above 100 signifies that the family has surplus income.
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