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Covid-19 killed one strain of the flu; another one may be up for elimination with help from vaccines

25 Mar, 2024
  • Yamagata-lineage of type B influenza has not been seen since March 2020
Pandemic controls helped eliminate one strain of the flu. Photo: Reuters
Why this news matters

The disappearance of a flu strain removes a viral source of disease especially among children.

Why this news matters

The disappearance of a flu strain removes a viral source of disease especially among children.

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Difficulty: Summiteer (Level 3)

All the measures aimed at restricting the spread of Covid-19 led to the global disappearance of a winter germ. Now, scientists say it might be possible to rid the world of a second one.

For decades, flu epidemics were driven by four strains. One of them, called the Yamagata-lineage of type B influenza, struggled to compete before the pandemic. It hasn’t been seen since March 2020, said Ian Barr. He is the deputy director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center for Reference and Research on Influenza. Its disappearance eliminated a viral source of death and disease, especially among children.

This has shown that it might be possible to eliminate another type B strain known as “Victoria”. Unlike type A influenza, B strains might be more readily snuffed out with better vaccines.

Quiz time

  1. How did the “winter germ” mentioned in the story disappear?

  2. Which strain of influenza has not been seen since Covid-19?

  3. What did the disappearance of the strain result in?

  4. What is the name of the type-B cousin of the influenza strain?

  5. How are type B strains different from type A ones?

Anti-Covid measures, such as wearing face masks, helped to get rid of one flu strain. Photo: Shutterstock

Sample answers

  1. because of measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19

  2. Yamagata-lineage of type B influenza

  3. It eliminated a viral source of death and disease, especially among children.

  4. Victoria

  5. Type B strains can be more easily eliminated with vaccines.

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