Moore Choral Society

The Moore County Choral Society

The Moore County Choral Society will perform “Illumination,” a free concert of 21st century choral masterpieces, on Sunday, April 7, at 4 p.m., at Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church. Join us on a spiritual journey of discovery, with conductor Anne Dorsey leading 60 singers and local musicians: Stephen Gourley at the piano and a string ensemble. Featured in order of first performance are four new choral pieces by internationally renowned composers: Norwegian Ola Gjielo and Americans Jake Runestad and Elaine Hagenberg. Each dramatizes, with poetic language and inventive music, experiences of light and love that transform the darkness within each soul and illuminate a bleak world of uncertainty and fear.

This is a free concert event, open to the public. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. 

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