«Carbonated water, also known as sparkling water, is a drink that often gives rise to debates on its suitability as part of a balanced diet and its possible impact on human health. First, it's important to understand that carbonated water is simply water to which carbon dioxide, the gas that produces bubbles, has been added. From an energetic point of view, sparkling water is practically identical to "still" water, but not from a metabolic point of view.

There are in fact some considerations to keep in mind. Carbonated water can cause a fleeting sensation of fullness in the stomach due to the bubbles in some people, while in others sensations of exclusive gastrointestinal discomfort. Furthermore, the crucial issue of the fixed residue (i.e. the mineral content) of these waters remains, which is too often inadequate both in terms of qualitative composition and absolute content.

As always, it is essential to read the nutrition label and information on the composition of water to make informed decisions about your hydration."

Pietro Senette

Nutritionist and researcher

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