Woman with allergies

This is the time of year when tulips and daffodils are poking out of the ground in search of sunlight, and buds on the trees are starting to open. But it’s also a time of year that many people dread because of the high pollen counts in Northern Virginia. Seasonal allergies can make you feel downright awful, run-down, and sneezy. I used to suffer all year long with allergies, and springtime was the worst. I have taken every allergy pill they make and even had a few inhalers. But, since cleaning up my diet and determining which foods were causing me to have inflammation (I’m looking at you, gluten and dairy) and using some natural methods, I no longer suffer from seasonal allergies!

You may turn to over-the-counter remedies or medications, but remember all medications disrupt a metabolic pathway in the body and can burden the liver. 

Here are some helpful tips:

1. Clean up your diet. I was sensitive to gluten and dairy, and when I removed them, 98% of my symptoms went away. Dairy can also cause extra mucous in some people, so consider limiting or stopping your dairy intake during your “sniffly season.”

2. Keep the pollen outside. Remove your shoes when you come inside or leave them on the porch, and shake jackets and clothing before coming indoors. Invest in a good HEPA filter and dust and vacuum often. (I love my Air Doctor.) Showering at night can also remove pollen from your skin and hair, so you’re not sleeping with it. 

3. Use a neti pot. This is one of those habits that takes some getting used to, but cleaning out the nasal passages can wash away the irritants causing inflammation. They’re also great when you get a sinus infection -- clears them up right away! Use distilled water and sea salt. 

4. Consider herbal remedies. Butterbur and Stinging Nettle are two natural allergy remedies that can reduce swelling in nasal passages and relieve symptoms. Find a tincture or extract to take with water. Even local honey may help. 

5. Remove other allergens. Processed food contains dozens of chemical preservatives, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, artificial colors, flavors, and genetically modified organisms. Our bodies are constantly fighting this internal inflammation from these foreign invaders. When you remove them, the inflammation subsides, and your histamine response decreases. This is what happened when I removed all processed food from my diet.

6. Increase foods that help lower inflammation. Vitamin C-rich foods like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and berries are good and low in histamine. Eat Quercetin-rich foods like onions, apples, capers, green onions, broccoli, cherries, berries, and kale. Quercetin is a natural anti-histamine. Also, eat dark-colored foods and herbs like turmeric, green tea, dark chocolate, pomegranate, and blueberries. Omega 3-rich foods also lessen inflammation, so eat wild salmon, halibut, sardines, fresh anchovies and mackerel. 

Decreasing foods that cause inflammation can help. These include highly processed foods, alcohol, sugary drinks and treats, deep-fried foods, dairy, grains, gluten, corn, and even some fermented foods can be a trigger because of their high histamine levels, which can aggravate allergies. 

Adopting a more natural lifestyle can help decrease inflammation and return your body to a state of balance. Natural herbal remedies can also prevent nasty side effects and drowsiness from OTC medicines.  Check with your doctor before taking a natural, herbal supplement. If you need help cleaning up your diet, let’s chat. My book, Unprocessed Living, is a great place to start.  I see private clients at www.UnlockBetterHealth.com

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