CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) – As Spring has sprung, more young wildlife will be arriving, but what do you do if you come across one?

The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) states that every year, people find young animals from the wild and try to save them, but this sometimes means more harm than good, as many animals typically die in the hands of the people trying to help.

So what should you do if you come across a baby bird, a nest of newborn bunnies, or another young animal in your yard this spring? MassWildlife says that in most cases, the best thing you can do is to leave it alone, as finding a young animal alone does not mean it’s been abandoned or needs to be rescued.

If these young animals are removed from the wild, it can deny them important natural learning experiences that help them to survive on their own. Sometimes the care that is given to young wildlife results in some attachment to humans and the animals may try to return to places where people live, only to be attacked by domestic animals or hit by cars.

MassWildlife has provided some tips on what to do if you find certain young animals in your yard:

  • Baby bird: While baby birds may look helpless, they only need assistance if there are clear signs of injury, like a broken wing.
    • If you find a hatchling or nestling, which is a young bird without feathers, outside the nest, you can try to return it to its nest. If you can’t see the nest it came from, you can create an artificial nest by securing a small basket or container to a branch in the same tree or shrub. Contrary to popular belief, the parents will not reject a baby bird if you touch it.
    • If you find a fledgling, which is a young, fully feathered bird, outside the nest, the best thing to do is to leave it alone. The parents are usually nearby still taking care of it while it is spending some time hopping around on the ground learning how to fly. If you find a fledgling near a road or exposed to danger, it can be moved to a safer, sheltered location nearby such as a shrub or bush. Young birds naturally have a low survival rate, which keeps populations in balance with available resources.
  • Bunnies or other young mammals: Generally, young mammals are visited by their mother only a few times a day to avoid attracting predators to the young. For example, a nest of bunnies will only be visited by the adult female twice per day to nurse the young. The young are generally safe when left alone because their color patterns and lack of scent help them remain undetected. In most cases, it’s best to leave young animals alone.
  • Fawns: Young deer are born in late May and early June. Even if you see a fawn alone for several days, you should still leave it alone. The animal may be motionless and seem vulnerable, but this is the normal behavior for a fawn and the mother (doe) is probably feeding or bedded nearby. Fawns are safest when left alone because their camouflaging color helps them remain undetected. Does visit their fawns to nurse very infrequently, a behavior that helps fawns avoid detection by predators. If sympathetic people repeatedly visit a fawn, it can prolong separation from the doe and delay needed feeding. Fawns cannot be cared for by wildlife rehabilitators; if a fawn is visibly injured or found with its dead mother, call MassWildlife at (508) 389-6300. 
  • Keep pets leashed. Keeping pets indoors or restrained helps wildlife, as pets often chase and hunt songbirds and other mammals. This also helps your pets avoid health and safety dangers posed by wild animals, other pets, or automobiles.
  • Contact a wildlife rehabilitator for advice. In most cases, it’s best to leave wildlife alone and let nature take its course. In the rare case, you find a young animal with a dead parent or if you see visible signs of injury, you can contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for assistance. An injured wild animal may be assisted, but a person must deliver the animal immediately to a licensed rehabilitator. MassWildlife licenses wildlife rehabilitators who are qualified to care for most injured or truly orphaned wildlife.

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