A fisherman saw three men standing by the replica of the Portland Head Lighthouse on top of Pilot Rock. The lighthouse shines a beacon of light in the darkness, preventing Lake Havasu boaters from crashing into the rocks or running aground.

When the fisherman returned the following day, the top half of the lighthouse was missing. It had been thrown into the lake. The Bureau of Land Management staff members recovered the piece, but it was damaged beyond repair.


(4) comments

Joe Joseph

Of course OTOH, people always point out all of the TRUMP-DUMP flags on the boats and homes, and not one Biden flag. I applaud your efforts at trolling, but I can only give you a 3.5!

David Andersen

Great effort and we appreciate it Thank you....

ALAN Goldberg

the democratic blue crime wave keeps striking in Lake Havasu. Before the pandemic we never had this type of crime. It is sad that where ever democrats go. the crime wave follows. this is not an opinion , it is a fact. look at what has been going on in Los Angeles and every other blue city. I am sure it was kids and bad parenting. Democrats allow and actually reward bad behavior.

Joe Joseph

Go to Colorado City IN MOHAVE COUNTY. They are Republicans. Why is the party of Law and Order OK with this type of crime against children?

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