MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Jimmie Martin case has been delayed again after a court hearing on Wednesday.

Martin, who is serving a 22-year sentence after being convicted of killing his girlfriend Martha Bownes in 2007, is seeking a post-convention appeal that focuses on what he says his attorney got wrong at trial. 

He is now waiting on the defending counsel to call a brand new witness that could turn his case around.

Martin’s brother is the new witness who was never called to trial. He was there at the time of the alleged crime that Martin has been convicted of.  

“This hearing has been reset so that the brother can be here and testify to say what he saw and maybe give a reason as to why he wasn’t called as a witness in the first place,” said John McNeil, Martin’s attorney.

This trial has been set back for almost a year for several reasons, which is why Judge Carlyn Addison is ready to get the ball rolling. 

“Here is my problem, Mr. Martin has had some major hiccups in trying to have this matter heard. He has had multiple attornies, he has had multiple hearing dates. I am not unsympathetic that he needs a material witness here but I would rather get this done sooner rather than later,” said Judge Addison.

According to Martin’s defense attorney, Martin is upset as well that this case is taking longer than usual to go to trial. 

“He wanted to have the hearing today, it was scheduled for today but there are a couple of witnesses who could not be here,” McNeil said.

The new hearing is scheduled for June 17.