
Eagle Scouts Pat Green, Dr. Robert Drake, Dr. Harry Kennedy and Amos Green in Scout Room at Chester Kaiser during the 100th Anniversary Celebration.

The 100th Anniversary Celebration gave many of us a chance to reflect on how Scouting has impacted our lives. My parents, church, school teachers and my Scout leaders had the greatest impact on my life. From the time I joined Pack 184 of Hopkins School and Jean McCormick was my Den mother to joining our wonderful scout troop began a “career” of over sixty years in the BSA.

Larry Nunemaker and M.N. (Nic) Berry were my Sunday school teachers at First Christian Church. Almost the whole class became scouts and Bob Kennedy, Chick Hertzer and myself all Eagle Scouts. These two men and many others took us camping every month all year round. They set examples for us we might not have gotten anywhere else. The times I spent with them in camps, at their stores, in scout meetings and later on completing my wood badge course are very, very special.

Hikes, Camps at the cabin on Fishing Creek, summer camp on Lake Cumberland, camporees and weeks at Camp McKee all provided me opportunities I otherwise would not have had.

I got to solidify my relationships with my classmates and meet new friends that would be life-long. Thru merit badge classes I meet great men like John Prather Sr (Citizenships), Pig Meece (First Aid) and one of the greatest Scouters Jim Huff (Summer Camp Director and Mountain Man). It was always the scoutmasters who set the greatest examples.

Scouting taught me to be prepared, how to be self reliant, to become a leader. It taught me the importance of being dependable and responsible. I was made Troop scribe and still got that job!

Working with Alumni of Chester Kaiser Troop 79 was a blessing as we prepared for the 100th Anniversary celebration. I worked with a very distinguished group of Scouters most all Eagle Scouts, former Scoutmasters of the troop and silver Beaver recipients.

I personally contacted many former troop members who spoke so fondly of their time in the troop. That motivated me to increase my level of scouting activity as I went to Camp McKee with Doug Carmichael working to prepare

it for Summer Camp and OA activities and serve as the Health Resource Officer for the Blue Grass Council.

It motivated me to volunteer to work with Ron Perkins as a Unit Commissioner a job I had done over 30 years before. I enjoyed writing the news articles and working with Michael Wooldridge, Robin Daughetee and Ray Carmichael and others that were part of the anniversary program.

The United States and Scouting has many challenges ahead in recovering after COVID. You may not know there are no Cub or Boy Scout units in Laurel, Casey, Knox, Bell, Russell, Lincoln, Clay, Jackson and Rockcastle counties surrounding Somerset.

Consider the Scouting Spirit that my friend and fellow Eagle Scout Pat Green showed by coming to the anniversary celebration from his skilled nursing home in a geri-chair just to be part of it and see old friends. We need to show our spirit and gratitude for what others did for us in Scouting by making Scouting available in these counties to all youth.

I think that Eagle Scouts Salty Berry and John Roberts said it best as they described camping the 1950’s and all their experiences at National Jamborees, Philmont, Wind Cave, summer camp and the Toy Campaign. Roberts said” I wish I was a young man and could do it all over again!!”

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