VOTE on the upcoming Eastmont School District bond levy. Vote No, or vote Yes, but please vote! There are 21,937 registered voters in the Eastmont School District; of that amount, only 7,653 people voted in February on the same bond levy the ESD board resubmitted for election this April.

So, in the April election, only 4,592 people have to vote to certify the election; it's a percentage of returned ballots from the last election that determines the number of ballots needed to certify the next election. That means just a little over 2,300 yes votes will pass a 117 million dollar bond levy. Don't leave your ballot lying on the counter or toss it into the garbage. Just think, 21,937 voters in the school district and only 4,592 ballots will decide a 117 million dollar bond levy.

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