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Published on April 14, 2024
Knoxville Fire Department Vehicle Strikes Railroad Underpass With No Injuries ReportedSource: Google Street View

A Knoxville Fire Department firetruck was left battered after smacking into a railroad underpass last Thursday, officials said. The mishap took place in South Knoxville near the intersection of Maryville Pike and Ogle Avenue around 4:45 p.m. The firetruck, identified as Quint 10, was en route from Maryville Pike when it collided with the Norfolk Southern underpass, according to a spokesperson for the fire department.

Despite the damage done to the firetruck, the Knoxville Fire Department confirmed that no injuries were reported, and there were no other vehicles involved in the unfortunate incident, WVLT reported. Residents in the area witnessed the aftereffects of the crash, observing the extensively damaged firetruck at the crash site.

Details regarding the financial toll of the accident are yet to be provided by the department. Mark Wilbanks, the fire department spokesperson, mentioned in an interview that Quint 10 had suffered "a considerable amount of damage," which indicates significant repair costs may be looming, as obtained by WATE News.

Traffic in the bustling avenue was disrupted temporarily as authorities worked to manage the situation. A detailed assessment of the engine's damages is in progress, and the exact cost of repairs has not been disclosed at this time, according to a later report by WIVK. The Knoxville Fire Department is yet to comment on whether changes in route-clearance protocols will be implemented following the incident.