MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Chaos and confusion - that’s how the Memphis Police Association describes the current state of the Memphis Police Department (MPD).

On Monday, the Union spoke publicly about the second lieutenant rank and the fight over it with the city.

“The second lieutenant promotional test and job description are identical to that of a first lieutenant. The only difference: the second lieutenant is paid less,” said Sgt. Matt Cunningham, president of the Memphis Police Association.

Second lieutenant is an MPD rank that an arbitrator found breaks an agreement with between the city and the union.

“The actions of the city and the department have created chaos and confusion among the officers and the department. Morale has plummeted to the lowest depths that we've seen since the benefit cuts a decade ago. That led to the mass exodus of nearly 500 officers,” said Cunningham.

Last month, an arbitrator also told the city to demote the 100+ officers who were promoted to the second lieutenant position immediately.

Since then, the city has promoted more officers to the rank and filed an appeal.

Cunningham said this was avoidable and it not only violates the MPA’s agreement with the city, but it also isn’t in the best interest of the public or other officers.

“It also makes Memphis less safe by taking officers off the street at a time of critical manpower shortages negatively impacts the careers and pensions of current sergeants and allows for officers with as little as five years on the job that are missing critical investigative experience.”

Cunningham adds the union is willing to work on the creation of a supervisor role that does stay within the requirements laid out in the agreement with the city.

He added that the Union is currently responding to the city's latest appeal.


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